Welcome to St. Francois XavierWelcome to the website for the Rural Municipality of St. François Xavier. In an effort to enhance communication amongst all residents and their local government we have produced this site.

Feel free to search through the local government information by clicking through the links on the menu to the left.

Additional information can be accessed by contacting the municipal office during regular business hours, and

do not hesitate to let us know if there is new information that you think should be on our site.

Rural Municipality of St. François Xavier

1060 Hwy 26

St. François Xavier, Manitoba, Canada, R4L 1A5

Phone: (204) 864-2092

Fax: (204) 864-2390

E-mail: info@rm-stfrancois.mb.ca

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Fibre Optic Support Numbers

Residential 204-840-1910 Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm

Business 204-840-1911 Monday to Saturday 8am - 8pm